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Saturday, November 19, 2011

All About Concentration

"The one with the short circuit at black 211"

25 min + 5x 30 seconds - i was black and lost by 10.5 
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1500]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[oktan]PB[eyecatcher]WR[5k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-13]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello, good game for you
;B[pd]BL[1492.587]C[oktan [5k\]: hi
;W[]WL[30]OW[4]TW[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][ga][ab][bb][cb][db][hb][ac][bc][ec][fc][ad][bd][dd][ed][ae][ce][af][cf][df][ef][ff][gf][bg][cg][dg][eg][fg][gg][hg][dh][fh][hh][jh][kh][fi][ji][sm][rn][lo][mp][np][mq][br][cr][ir][kr][lr][nr][bs][ds][gs][hs][js][ms]TB[ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][nb][pb][qb][rb][pc][sc][id][jd][rd][ke][oi][ak][ck][dk][lk][mk][ok][al][bl][dl][el][gl][il][kl][ml][nl][ol][am][bm][fm][gm][hm][mm][an][bn][dn][en][fn][co][do][dp][ep][fp][qp][qq][rq][sq][rr][sr][rs][ss]C[oktan [5k\]: thx
eyecatcher [6k\]: thank you
oktan [5k\]: gg
eyecatcher [6k\]: yes

W10: White tenuki! i like this move, it was surprising, but i think it is better than answering locally to B9
W24: White is playing her own game.
B16: Can black kill now?
W18: White tenuki again! Now black can kill the lower left corner no? Confusing.
B37: Looks slow, white has sente now.
B73: What? The corner is alive and white has sente? Black failed.
B155: I think black is leading and has a pretty good chance to win the game.
B193: This Ko is so painful for black .
B183: Maybe better at D8? In the game black has some trouble soon...
B211: This is the loosing move! Black should fight the Ko! There is at least 1 ko threat for black at C2!
And even if black looses the ko, black would still have good chance to win!
W218: Uuups, game over here for black.

Before i can make some real progress, i have to learn to concentrate for a longer time ... and i have to judge situations realistic ... i still , even in long games, play these "i only trust my intuition" moves, i don`t read carefully enough ... reading is exhausting and it is often much easier to think: "no no, i`m sure this will work - i  f e e l  i t!" ... but these kind of feelings are, in my case, often misguiding.

"The one with the white corner which suddenly dies"

35 min + 3x 1:10 min  - i was black and won by resignation
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[2100]OT[3x70 byo-yomi]
PW[heric]PB[eyecatcher]WR[4k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-15]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[heric [4k\]: hi
eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello heric, good game

W4: Nirensei vs. Nireinsei
B9: I only play this move if i have support around the side (here there is a stone at K4)
B15: Indeed i played the one space jump here because i like to fight, and because this puts some pressure on the white group around Q8.
B21: I learned from my teacher that this move makes black overconcentrated.
B35: it looks good for black now
W44: Uups , black made some mistakes here, white escapes too easily
B61: not a very good move, although later it will help black, but that was because white made some mistakes.
W62: Black has some trouble now ...
B81: Uups, it looks already that it is possible for black to kill the whole corner ... or do you find a way for white to live?
W166: White did not realize that there was still some aji!

I really thought long and careful here, that is the main thing, even if i would have lost the game, i was satisfied with my level of concentration ... even if one can never be -really- satisfied... it`s like Biondy Alfian`s motto for his go blog: "You will find no end in go!"

(truthandgo.blogspot.com/modus-operandi = Older blog entry which explains why i`m publishing all my "serious" games here ... and  truthandgo.blogspot.com/one-with.html = why it`s fun to find names for your games  ) 

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