Even while i like quotes about not taking too much care about winning or loosing, i`m a bit sad that i lost this game. I wrote some comments and variations in the game. Maybe you enjoy! Please leave your comments about the game, i`m curious if you have any advice how to develop my go!
PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]
TM[1800.0]OT[10/540 Canadian]
C[Takeru [6k\]: hi gg
eyecatcher [6k\]: Hi, have a good game!
C[I was taking black ];W[dp]WL[1797.3]
C[My oponent was a KGS 6 kyu as well. ];B[pq]BL[1773.1];W[dd]WL[1794.2];B[pk]
C[This was a long game, but long thinking time was not preventing me from missreading some important situations. ]
C[It is unusual, and i remember a lesson from Guo Juan that this is not good (with the normal Chinese Fuseki, don`t know how it is in this case) ]
C[What about "2" as next move for white? I think it would be better. ]
C[Was Tenuki the right choice? ];W[hq]WL[1752.9];B[fo]BL[1688.6];W[kq]WL[1737.8]
C[What about n e x t to tenuki? (Variation)]
C[I was happy that white did answer it...];B[cn]BL[1630.3]
C[Able to play here: i felt quite comfortable];W[dn]WL[1699.6];B[dm]BL[1607.4]
C[Allready while playing... i was regretting this move, i think it was not good... ]
C[Now white could strengthen himself. Next black should play C8 instead of the real game? ]
C[With this move i was pushing white in the direction of my weak group. Bad! ]
C[Black better G6 next!?]
C[painfull for black ];B[cm]BL[1260.5];W[dj]WL[1599.2]
C[What about G7 as next move for black? I think it is not possible. (Variation) ]
C[I think there was a good chance now to kill white. But overall my G3 group is not jet allive... ]
C[And i allready felt lile winning this game :-) ];B[mn]BL[975.4];W[mo]WL[1440.5]
C[I think this move was useless. ];W[ko]WL[1410.7];B[jn]BL[788.9];W[lm]WL[1372.5]
C[No way to kill white. It is a living shape no? ];B[sm]BL[666.9];W[rm]WL[1340.8]
C[This was a risky move. ];W[qi]WL[1227.9];B[lj]BL[441.1];W[kk]WL[1206.0]
C[I was quite sure that i can kill white if white tenukis, but in the end i couldn`t :-) ]
C[Next black plays G7 ... but maybe this was the firts mistake. K7 seems to wor neither (Variation) Do you know a way for black to kill? ]
C[I missread this (simple) situation];B[nj]BL[8.4];W[mj]WL[912.4];B[eo]BL[538.3]
C[It was a bad exchange for black. I think white is much ahead now. Maybe i should have resigned here. Last comment. ]
C[eyecatcher [6k\]: thank you for the game
Takeru [6k\]: thanks
C[This not works because of the cut at K8];W[hk];B[hj];W[jl];B[in];W[hm]
C[No :) ])
C[No ]))
C[I like this more then the actual game. ]))
C[Difficult but maybe playable? ]))
“Competition and faith are my life-long vocations. Like water and fire, I depend on both. When I couldn’t outrank the others, it was time for me to leave. There are two things in my life, truth and Go.” Go Seigen
It's interesting to see your games. Unexpected fights, lot's of tenuki… Cool
I can't say to much about this, just few notes:
1. O4 was too soft. Now W have chance to live easily and jump under Q9 later. R4 usual move in this case: kick and push out
2. F3 is another chance to kick W's group and take corner. In sente. Whatever, you did it later :)
3. C6 is too much (too thin connection between B's stones), usually D6, sealing W in corner and attack L3 from both sides)
4. And later it's become messy war between 5? weak, separated groups. Because you both too risky and don't want to lose/trade anything :) Very complicated, very unpreddictable. Wild energy :)
I would say that F3 was a nice to White. I agree with Evgeny that R4 kick would be more active and give you sente still.
The main thing I noticed is that you have to be careful not to create too many weak groups to take care of. Otherwise, great fighting spirit!
Hi folks, thanks for pointing out your thoughts about the game!
Yeah, the thing with the weak groups ... this problem is hunting me, maybe it will transform one day :-)
c6 ...yeah i will try to remember and try that next time.
@ Bengo
What would you have played instead of F3?
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