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Thursday, November 24, 2011

Many Games & Many Thoughts

As i said before, i will go on with  publishing here  e v e r y  long game i play,
with at least some written thoughts about it.
Here are 8 games i played recently...
comments and ~ variations  are included in every one of them.

The one which was easy to play
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
GN[pedometer-eyecatcher]PW[pedometer]PB[eyecatcher]WR[5k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-22]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[pedometer [5k\]: hello
eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello, good game for you!
;W[dp]WL[1486.7]C[Time 25 min + 5x 30 seconds byo yomi ]
;B[dd]BL[1480.7]C[White is a KGS 5 kyu. ]
;W[pp]WL[1483.9]C[Nirensei vs. Nirensei. ]
;B[cn]BL[1375.4]C[Up till here this fuseki is the same as in Go Seigen vs. Fujisawa Hosei 1939 ... Fujisawa Hosei played at "2" (=variation) next. ]
;B[ce]BL[1353.8]C[Next to play at "2" (= variation) is normal. ]
;B[qq]BL[1265.2]LB[io:A]C[Is this a good move? I`m doubting it... maybe black should jump at "A" with B25 ... in the game i was very sucessfull with this move, but i think that was because white did not attacked my J-3 directly with W28.]
;W[do]WL[1389.1]C[I don`t know, but i think this was a bad move, white has to prevent black from jumping out, leaving white with almost nothing at the bottom. ]
;B[io]BL[1248.7]C[Can black survive the push at "2" (= variation) ]
;W[ph]WL[1321]TR[kc][nc][nd][ph][qh]C[White has 2 weak groups here now.]
;B[mh]BL[1090.8]C[of course black should cut now. ]
;W[je]WL[1165.8]C[But now, after i was cutting at N12 ... i did not continue to use the cut, this is a chaotic way of playing, even if i won, there where several strategy mistakes here. ]
;W[if]WL[1117]C[I love to play ko. ]
;W[cc]WL[872.8]C[Of course it is big for white to destro my corner but i prefered to get a way to the center]
;B[ki]BL[819.4]C[Ok the cutting stones had some aji left which i luckily could use to destroy some white territory.]
;B[il]BL[794.4]C[if i`m winning i often play very slow moves to protect. Last comment. ]
;W[]WL[239.3]TW[ka][la][ma][kb][mb][lc][mc][ld][md][ae][ce][ke][le][af][bf][kf][ag][bg][jg][ah][ch][bi][hi][ni][lj][mj][lk][dl][ll][dm][mo][no][kp][lp][mp][op][lq][mq][nq][oq][er][lr][mr][nr][or][es][ls][ms][ns][os][ps]TB[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ra][sa][db][eb][fb][hb][rb][sb][ec][fc][gc][hc][pc][qc][rc][sc][ed][id][qd][rd][sd][ge][he][pe][qe][of][pf][pk][qk][pl][ql][gm][om][pm][qm][rm][sm][gn][hn][in][pn][rn][sn][ao][bo][ho][qo][ro][so][ap][bp][gp][hp][rp][sp][bq][gq][hq][sq][ar][hr][as][hs]C[pedometer [5k\]: thx
eyecatcher [6k\]: thank you
;W[bn]C[can black play at "2" now? ]
;W[bq]C[Can black be happy with this? ])
;B[br]C[Status? Black alive? Can you solve the tsumego? ]
;W[er]C[I think the status was: black alive ... ])
;B[bs]C[Black alve. ]))))
;B[gh]C[I do not like this result for white. ])))
;B[ck]C[You can see some more moves of this game now... Go Seigen won by resignation]

The one with the unreasonable invasion
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[5x70 byo-yomi]
GN[MrHyphen-eyecatcher]PW[MrHyphen]PB[eyecatcher]WR[6k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-22]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+Resign]HO[1]
;B[pd]BL[1764.4]C[Time: 30 min + 5x 70 seconds. ]
;W[dp]WL[1798.1]C[We played at KGS both 6 kyu. ]
;B[pq]BL[1741.1]C[I lost by resignation.]
;W[dc]WL[1788.2]C[I am not happy with this game, it was long, but sometimes i played too fast, it is really hard to stop this habbit. ]
;W[di]WL[1783.1]C[Rui Nawei once played this move in exactly this situation. ]
;W[hp]WL[1775.6]C[I don`t like W10, it seems like there are much more interesting places on the board. ]
;B[kc]BL[1477.3]C[This ]
;W[qk]WL[1688]C[This is a brave attack. I like to play like this as well. ]
;W[nk]WL[1627.5]TR[oj][ok][pk]C[Is it really important to save these stones? ]
;W[de]WL[1573.7]TR[fc][ed][hd][ef][cg][dg][ci][dl][nn]C[I think the game is still playble for both sides... i don`t know which side is favorable at the moment. What about B77 nect at one of the triangle-points? Better than the game? ]
;B[cd]BL[1182]C[I´m not sure if this was a good idea. ]
;W[ch]WL[1529.7]C[What about "2" (some silly variations :) ? ]
;B[ab]BL[927.8]C[My invasion failed and lost my hope for this game ... maybe it is time to resign here next time. Last Comment. ]
;B[bh]C[2 is better? ]
;B[ce]C[This would have been a great sucess for black. ])

The one without sabaki
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x80 byo-yomi]
GN[levanez-eyecatcher]PW[levanez]PB[eyecatcher]WR[3k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-22]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+Resign]HO[1]
;B[pc]BL[2086.9]C[We played at KGS, i was black (6 Kyu) and white was a 3 Kyu.]
;W[pp]WL[2092.4]C[Time : 35 min 5x 80 seconds byo yomi. ]
;B[cd]BL[2070]C[I lost this game, but i thought long and carefull, this is the main thing i want to do, so it was a good game ... thinking long and carefull, does not mean, to think sucessfull ... and i played a lot of bad moves here ... but at least i thought about my moves and did not play "pure intuition style" . ]
;B[oe]BL[2032.7]C[Of course this B5 at P15 is a unusual answer, but i think it is playable and some pro players were playing it as well. I like to try out new things from time to time. "2" for a variation from the (joseki) database. ]
;W[nd]WL[2062.8]LB[ne:A]C[Maybe black 9 next at "A" is better. ]
;B[of]BL[2011.4]LB[qe:A]C[Next move better at "A" ? ]
;B[dq]BL[1851.8]TR[lc][mc][nd][od]C[I`m regritti this move, i think black should not tenuki from the top...white`s group is weak and white 26 is a very good point, black should not allow white to take it. ]
;W[ed]WL[2023.9]C[I think this is a very good point. ]
;B[hd]BL[1840.1]C[It would not be good to let white have this point, but it will result in two weak black groups soon. ]
;W[lf]WL[2011.8]C[This does not look good fro black now. ]
;B[fc]BL[1788.2]C[Is it better to jump out at "A" with B33? ]
;B[oj]BL[1677]TR[bb][hb][ib][kb][cc][dc][fc][gc][ic][jc][lc][mc][ed][fd][hd][kd][nd][od][me][oe][lf][of][ng][pg][ph][pi][oj]C[None of the groups are alive. ]
;B[eb]BL[1140]C[I think this move was very bad... better to jump out at W72.]
;B[gb]BL[944.4]C[If white "2" (variation) OR "3" (variation) ]
;B[de]BL[822.5]TR[dj][pm][cn][nq][qq]C[Is this move really very important? I think it is a good move, but the important question is allways, are there any bigger moves on the board? ]
;B[po]BL[790.8]C[This move looks a bit slow. ]
;W[gm]WL[1704.8]C[The show is over for black... i think the invasion at R4 is not a bad idea, but i did not handle it to make live. Maybe black 101 was the biggest mistake ...
Last comment. ]
;W[ol]WL[1628.3]C[levanez [3k\]: thank you
eyecatcher [6k\]: Thank you for the game
;W[ka]C[Black alive. ]))
;B[hc]C[Black alive. ]))

The one which was lost in the endgame
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
GN[day2 SillyMe-eyecatcher]PW[SillyMe]PB[eyecatcher]WR[5k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-23]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[SillyMe [5k\]: hi gg
eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello, good game for you!
;B[qe]BL[1479.7]C[Time: 25 min + 5x 30 seconds byo yomi. ]
;B[hd]BL[1471.3]C[White was a KGS 5 kyu. ]
;W[jd]WL[1470.8]LB[fd:A]C[Normally the joseki move is at "A" ]
;W[ib]WL[1345.4]C[If black tenuki now ... "2" (variation) ]
;B[ci]BL[1335.4]C[This move was played too spontaniesly , and i think it is not good, to near to the white thikness! ]
;W[jq]WL[1330.2]C[What is the best move now? ]
;B[qn]BL[1330.7]TR[lc][pc][ld][qe][qn]C[I thought that this is maybe the right direction. ]
;W[pl]WL[1323.4]LB[ql:A]C[Next at "A"? ]
;B[mq]BL[1315.9]LB[qj:B][dm:A][cn:C][fq:D]C[I don`t like this move now ... i think i whould have played "A" or "B" or "C" or "D" ]
;W[cn]WL[1301.5]C[Was it necessary to defend here at "1" ... ? "2" (variation) ]
;W[bh]WL[919.3]TR[lm][mm]C[Even if the marked stones are dead ... i was worried, that the group could maybe only get one eye ... ]
;B[aj]BL[772.3]LB[ka:X]C[Now the group is definetly 100% allive. ]
;B[ag]BL[765.7]LB[ka:X]C[This kind of the loosing move... all the time there is X to play for black ... if i would have played there, i could have won! ]
;W[]WL[653.9]C[I lost by 2.5 Komi was 0.5 because white was 5 kyu. ]
;B[]BL[486.3]TW[ee][fe][je][ef][jf][kf][fg][mh][mi][ri][ij][sj][dk][ek][fk][gk][hk][sk][dl][el][fl][gl][ql][rl][sl][cm][dm][em][fm][gm][qm][rm][sm][an][bn][dn][en][fn][gn][qn][co][do][eo][fo][po][ep][fp][gp][lp][iq][kq][gr][hr][jr][gs][hs][is][js]TB[aa][ba][ca][ea][fa][ga][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][bb][db][fb][gb][mb][nb][ob][pb][qb][rb][sb][hc][oc][qc][rc][sc][od][pd][qd][rd][sd][oe][pe][re][se][pf][sf][bh][ai][lk][ll][ml][km][lm][mm][nm][sq][ar][cr][nr][pr][qr][rr][sr][as][bs][os][ps][qs][rs][ss]C[SillyMe [5k\]: ty
eyecatcher [6k\]: Thank you for the game
;W[fr]C[I have to do more tsumego ... ]
(;B[dr]C[The status is "black allive" no? ]
(;B[br]C[I think this move will lead to death ... or seki ... or life? ]
;W[hc]C[Ko is bad for black here. ]))

The one with the outburst of aggressivity
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
GN[eyecatcher-tsugi]PW[eyecatcher]PB[tsugi]WR[6k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-23]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[tsugi [6k\]: hi gg
eyecatcher [6k\]: HEllo, good game for you
;W[qp]WL[1492.5]C[Time: 25 min + 5 x 30 seconds. ]
;B[cd]BL[1484]C[We are both 6 kyu.]
;W[cp]WL[1485.6]C[I was white. ]
;B[ic]BL[1473]C[Chinese fuseki. ]
;W[dg]WL[1462.4]C[This is a common strategy against the chinese fuseki. Normally black will answer at "2" (variation) now.]
;W[lp]WL[1448.9]C[Most often the next move here is played at "2" (Variation) ]
(;B[pn]BL[1371.4]LB[pm:A]C[Next white 10 at "1" is not "joseki" ... the normal joseki move is at "2" (= variation) ]
;W[nq]WL[1325.9]C[This move looks a bit adventurous]
;B[fq]BL[1239.5]C[This was a very chaotic, strange and interesting game. ]
;W[rp]WL[1304]C[I was regretting this move immediately because...
(If black tenuki, see variation "2" ) ]
(;B[pp]BL[1213.8]C[This is sente ... if white does not answer ... "2" (variation) ]
;B[lr]BL[1171.6]C[I was not happy with this. ]
;W[cl]WL[1254.1]C[My cornel will die totally later in the game ... ]
;W[cf]WL[1221.1]C[Tenuki ???]
;W[qf]WL[1210.1]C[Tenuki? ]
;B[ks]BL[831.3]C[I love to play ko. ]
;B[kp]BL[721.5]C[I think it was not good for black to ignore the ko threat... ]
;W[fl]WL[774.3]C[This lead to a killed corner ... ]
;B[bq]BL[319.3]C[Uups. ]
;W[ar]WL[372.9]C[I missread here, i thought there was a way to live... but i did not saw that black can give atari with B83]
;B[bl]BL[176.2]C[No there is no chance for the corner stones... ]
;W[bk]WL[152.8]C[but the game will go on much longer ... and there are many interesting situations left. ]
;W[lc]WL[125]C[Now white has to do something. ]
;W[rc]WL[102.5]C[Next black played "1" maybe "2" (variation) would have been better. ]
(;B[ne]BL[50]C[I think this move was not a good idea. ]
;B[ea]BL[30]OB[5]C[Typical situation ... one pl]
;W[kg]WL[55.4]C[White wants to kill everything. ]
;W[mh]WL[51.4]C[Ok, white want`s to, at least, kill one big group here. ]
;W[ia]WL[30]OW[5]C[Can white kill this group as well? ]
;B[je]BL[30]OB[5]TR[lp][nq][mr][or]C[White is not leading, if black can kill the marked group he has a good chance to win... but the impossible is going to happen ... not because i played magnificient moves, but because black made some serious mistakes. ]
;W[lm]WL[30]OW[4]C[Uups. ]
;B[om]BL[30]OB[5]C[It can`t be ... but it will be. ]
;B[pl]BL[30]OB[5]C[This is the loosing move, some kind of poka. If black would connect, the game would have been still playable for black, even if white would maybe have some kind of lead. ]
;W[pq]WL[30]OW[4]C[The game is over now. Last comment. ]
;B[]BL[30]OB[2]TW[ma][na][oa][pa][qa][sa][nb][pb][rb][mc][nc][oc][pc][sc][nd][od][pd][rd][sd][me][ne][qe][re][se][af][ef][mf][ag][bg][cg][mg][ng][og][pg][qg][rg][sg][ah][bh][ch][lh][oh][ph][sh][ci][li][ni][pi][qi][si][mj][oj][pj][rj][sj][ok][pk][sk][ol][pl][rl][sl][om][pm][qm][sm][on][pn][rn][sn][no][oo][ro][so][op][pp][sp][sq]TB[aa][ba][da][cb][eb][cc][dc][id][jf][ek][cl][dl][fl][hl][il][am][cm][em][jm][lm][an][bn][gn][hn][in][kn][ao][bo][do][eo][fo][ho][io][jo][ap][cp][fp][hp][ip][aq][dq][eq][hq][iq][kq][ar][br][cr][fr][gr][hr][ir][kr][mr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs][gs][hs][is][js][ls]C[eyecatcher [6k\]: Thank you
tsugi [6k\]: thx gg
;B[kb]C[Easy game for black. ]))
;B[pl]C[This is bad, so white should fight the ko... but with what kind of ko threats? ]))
;W[om]C[I think here are some complicated variations to find ... ]
(;B[nq]C["Old joseki" (-> Josekipedia) ]
;W[om]LB[nq:C][rq:A][pr:B]C[If black has the ladder he can play "A" now ... if not he can play "B" or "C" if you are interested in this joseki, go to www.josekipedia.com ])))

The one with the unreasonable escape
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
GN[day2 changhkim-eyecatcher]PW[changhkim]PB[eyecatcher]WR[6k]BR[6k]DT[2011-11-24]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello, good game for you
;B[pd]BL[1492.2]C[Time: 25 min + 5x30 seconds byo yomi. ]
;W[fd]WL[1479.8]C[I don`t think that this move is good in this fuseki. ]
;B[ic]BL[1475.8]LB[jc:A][ge:B]C[Normal joseki move for black here is at "A" or "B" ]
;W[qc]WL[1466.7]C[To early to go to 3-3 maybe ... ]
;W[le]WL[1447.9]C[While attacking this escaping group, black will make some profit by killing a other invasion-group... so this maybe can be considered as the loosing move :-) ]
;B[kf]BL[1395.6]C[No, i don`t give you the ponuki. ]
;W[qm]WL[1409]C[White goes all in. It is risky, and will not be sucessfull. ]
;B[ji]BL[1323.3]C[No the group is very heavy. ]
;W[hp]WL[1273.8]C[This was a very critical moment. Last coment. ]

The one with the absurd large center moyo
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
GN[day 2 eyecatcher-Acronyme]PW[eyecatcher]PB[Acronyme]WR[6k]BR[7k]DT[2011-11-23]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[Acronyme [7k\]: hi gg
;B[pc]BL[1498.1]C[eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello, good game for you
;W[pp]WL[1489.7]C[Black was a KGS 7 kyu, i was white (6kyu). ]
;B[cp]BL[1489.8]C[Diagonal fuseki. ]
;W[pe]WL[1480.3]C[Tenuki a good idea? ]
;W[oc]WL[1455.5]C[To get this move is very good for white. ]
;W[dr]WL[1318.8]C[This move was very bad, not a proper go threat, black did well and ignored. ]
;W[jj]WL[1291.5]C[i had to find my points in the center. ]
;B[id]BL[1124.7]C[This game was quite interesting, in the end i won it with a lot of points, because my center moyo was too big and all the 2 invasion groups got killed. Last comment. ]
;W[]WL[537]TW[kd][ld][nd][le][me][ne][jf][mf][nf][of][bg][ig][jg][kg][mg][ng][pg][qg][ah][bh][ih][jh][kh][oh][ai][bi][di][gi][hi][ii][ji][ki][li][mi][ni][pi][bj][dj][ej][fj][gj][hj][ij][kj][lj][mj][ck][dk][ek][gk][hk][ik][jk][kk][lk][mk][nk][el][gl][hl][il][jl][kl][ll][ml][fm][hm][im][jm][km][lm][mm][fn][hn][in][kn][ln][go][ho][io][jo][ko][hp][ip][jp][kp][iq][jq][kq][ir][is][js]TB[aa][ca][ea][fa][ga][ha][ia][bb][db][fb][gb][ib][rb][sb][ec][gc][ic][qc][fd][gd][hd][fe][ef][ff][eg][fg][sk][rl][sm][an][rn][sn][ao][po][ro][so][ap][bp][pp][rp][sp][aq][bq][cq][oq][qq][rq][sq][ar][dr][er][or][pr][qr][rr][sr][as][bs][cs][ns][os][ps][qs][rs][ss]C[Acronyme [7k\]: Ouah !
eyecatcher [6k\]: Thank you :-)
Acronyme [7k\]: good game
Acronyme [7k\]: thx
Acronyme [7k\]: bye
eyecatcher [6k\]: good game it was
eyecatcher [6k\]: bye

The one which was soon over
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1800]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
GN[day 2 eyecatcher-KyleLiu]PW[eyecatcher]PB[KyleLiu]WR[6k]BR[7k]DT[2011-11-23]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[KyleLiu [7k\]: hi gg
eyecatcher [6k\]: Hello, good game for you
;B[pd]BL[1494.5]C[Time: 25 min 5x30 seconds byo yomi ]
;W[dp]WL[1494.8]C[Black was a 7kyu , i was white. ]
;B[pq]BL[1492.7]C[I won by resignation. ]
;W[dd]WL[1491.9]C[Very fast game, only 106 moves played. ]
;W[jp]WL[1486.5]C[After B5 a move around W6 is common. ]
;W[co]WL[1482.2]LB[cl:A][fq:B]C[Maybe this was not good, my database does not show any pro game whit this move... of course that does not mean that this move is unplayable ... but i think with W8 a move at "A" or "B" is better here. ]
;W[lb]WL[1447.1]LB[me:A]C[I did not knew that joseki, but to play this way just felt natuaral ... it is a joseki.
Black can think about "A" next. ]
;W[be]WL[1442.5]LB[cd:A]C[White can play this move at "A" ]
;B[eb]BL[1445.2]C[Maybe this b25 is not a bad idea. ]
;W[df]WL[1396.7]C[Wow, blacks invasion was sucessfull, but white has some influence and potential at the top and center now. ]
;B[hj]BL[1321]C[Interesting situation. ]
;W[en]WL[1326.6]C[There will be 2 cutting points. ]
;W[hg]WL[1261.3]C[This cut was game decisive]
;W[kh]WL[1235.5]C[Can black cut white? ]
;W[mg]WL[1188.2]C[black resigned here. ])
;B[im]LB[dh:A]C[White can live now at "A" ]))

“Competition and faith are my life-long vocations. Like water and fire, I depend on both. When I couldn’t outrank the others, it was time for me to leave. There are two things in my life, truth and Go.” Go Seigen

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