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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Game 2 & Again All English

As you know i was thinking about writing on this blog in german as well... i reconsidered this, because it just doesn't feel right ... i think the go comunity should unite internationally, and when writing in english the probability that people can understand all over the world is much higher. (Of course another question is how many people realy care about a study journal like blog of a kgs 6 kyu * :-D * )

But back to GO now:
Here another eyecatcher (see older blog post: http://truthandgo.blogspot.de/2013/03/how-to-play-better-game.html ) game with some all english comments.
I was a bit sad that around move 69 i truly lost my temper... before that i really took my time for each move, but suddenly i felt like the game was allready won and played very fast.
In the comments i think i have shown how white could have punished black and win the game later on... so i really won this game by luck.
The next eyecatcher game i will try to play with much more patience.

(;FF[4]GM[1]SZ[19]ST[2]CA[UTF-8]AP[CGoban:3]PB[eyecatcher]BR[6k]PW[naoto]WR[6k]KM[6.5]DT[2013-03-26]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[B+Resign]TM[2100]OT[2x70 byo-yomi]RU[Japanese]C[naoto [6k\]: hi
eyecatcher [6k\]: hello, good game 4 u
]GN[naoto-eyecatcher];B[pc]BL[2088.523]C[I'm black. ];W[dp]WL[2097.472];B[pp]BL[2080.418];W[dd]WL[2094.087];B[pi]BL[2074.44];W[cj]WL[2086.606]C[D10 maybe better.];B[fq]BL[2032.711];W[fp]WL[2081.327]
;B[gp]BL[1996.404];W[gq]WL[2077.436]C[The cut is unusual, i don't like to play this way with white.];B[ep]BL[1983.27];W[fo]WL[2067.017];B[dq]BL[1971.208];W[eo]WL[2062.954];B[eq]BL[1937.862];W[cq]WL[2052.979]
;B[cn]BL[1770.905];W[co]WL[2030.842]C[Is this even? ];B[hq]BL[1737.694];W[gr]WL[2026.47]C[Why? ];B[hr]BL[1727.625];W[mq]WL[2017.426];B[oq]BL[1680.163];W[hp]WL[2009.642]C[No Ladder here.]

(;B[kp]BL[1471.377]C[I think Black 49 was wrong. J6 much better ...];W[ko]WL[1960.441];B[lp]BL[1466.145];W[lo]WL[1958.224];B[fc]BL[1388.249]C[Black can tenuki and is happy... ];W[fd]WL[1952.464];B[gd]BL[1377.015];W[gc]WL[1948.238]C[Same "strange" cut ];B[ed]BL[1370.264]
;W[fe]WL[1945.233];B[dc]BL[1366.525];W[ee]WL[1942.732];B[cd]BL[1359.537]C[This was risky, and maybe a mistake... in the end white could not punish it and black could live in the area lf whites influence. ];W[ec]WL[1940.274];B[de]BL[1354.266];W[db]WL[1927.527];B[ed]BL[1347.236]
;W[fb]WL[1924.004];B[dg]BL[1332.813]C[Better to take the ko now? (2)
Or the reinforce the white stone directly? (3) ]
;B[dj]BL[1307.85];W[ck]WL[1899.857]C[I think next to play at "2" is better. ]
(;B[dk]BL[1304.656];W[dh]WL[1896.538];B[eh]BL[1299.223];W[eg]WL[1889.769];B[cg]BL[1297.767];W[bh]WL[1887.811];B[bl]BL[1295.723];W[aj]WL[1885.278];B[bf]BL[1289.537]C[This could have been the loosing move, bute white did not punish correctly. ]

(;W[ce]WL[1794.742];B[ac]BL[1169.21];W[bd]WL[1774.732];B[dd]BL[1159.018];W[ag]WL[1771.259];B[af]BL[1154.938];W[ge]WL[1765.754]C[White made a mistake earlyier and so black could live in seki. But my opponent belived until the counting that the group was dead. ];B[gj]BL[1146.145];W[fj]WL[1718.507]
;B[sr]BL[840.722];W[pr]WL[1466.557];B[or]BL[835.716];W[nr]WL[1460.404];B[os]BL[260.363]C[This was very dangerous and complicated for me... if white would have killed, white would have won the game.
I thought very long before i played this move. ];W[rq]WL[1453.168];B[so]BL[224.822];W[po]WL[1447.71]
(;W[nq]WL[1428.311];B[rr]BL[145.686];W[qj]WL[1394.6]C[Game is over now.];B[rk]BL[112.083];W[pj]WL[1389.118];B[oi]BL[93.811];W[ri]WL[1375.92];B[rl]BL[79.793];W[rh]WL[1358.634]
(;B[ab]BL[70]OB[1];W[ba]WL[722.847];B[]BL[70]OB[1];W[aa]WL[720.711];B[]BL[70]OB[1];W[ad]WL[717.183];B[cf]BL[70]OB[1];W[bd]WL[713.624];B[be]C[eyecatcher [6k\]: ty
naoto [6k\]: ty
(;B[]BL[70]OB[1];W[]TW[na][pa][qa][ra][sa][hb][mb][sb][fc][ic][rc][gd][ne][ah][eh][ai][bj][ak][bl][cl][am][bm][cm][fm][an][bn][cn][dn][en][ao][ap][bp][cp][jp][kp][lp][mp][aq][lq][ar][kr][lr][mr][as][ks][ls][ms]TB[jg][rg][ih][jh][kh][rh][sh][ii][ji][ki][ni][qi][ri][si][jj][kj][mj][nj][pj][qj][hk][nk][ok][pk][qk][ol][pl][ql][om][qm][rm][po][qo][ro][rp][gq][qq][rq][er][gr][pr][qr][fs][ps][ss]C[eyecatcher [6k\]: seki
(;W[ef]C[Tsumego-Time ... black to live? :-) I think black is dead now...]
(;B[df];W[dd]C[Black is almost very dead. ])
(;B[ek];W[cf];B[df];W[el];B[jc];W[fg];B[gi]C[Black has much potential territory. White very little. ])))
(;B[jn];W[ko];B[kn]C[I think white should tenuki now. ];W[dm];B[lo]C[This is not a threat for white.];W[kp];B[mp];W[np];B[nq]
;W[mo];B[lp];W[ln]C[Black can't cut]))


Unknown said...

Move 26 - I think the result is better for White since his thickness is facing his C10 stone. Granted it would be even better for white if his stone were at D10.

Move 28 - There is a saying, "When in atari on the third line, always descend to the second line." This is to create ko threats and aji for later on since otherwise it's an easy ponnuki for the opponent.

How did a 6k not see that it was seki?! Haha. Great game!

Unknown said...

two "strange" cuts works very well because B4 and C16 are misreads. it's a good sign: maybe you too attached to "normal" variations

eyecatcher said...

Thank`s Benjamin, i think you are right about M26 ... beetter for white ... and i did not knew the proverb ... nice!
Hope we can play some day soon :) Greetings from germany.

eyecatcher said...

@Evgeny She: Thank`s for your thoughts! But why is beeing attached to "normal" variations a good sign :) ? (and by the way, i love to play "not normal" moves... at least sometimes. )

Unknown said...

good sign because now you can notice this behaviour and correct it (if it's true) :)

eyecatcher said...

@Evgeny She: Know it truly understand your point! Thanks for explaining! I will try :) ... Have a nice game!