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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


 Here are 2 of my games commented by  Alexandre Dinerchtein.

I think most of you will know quite well who he is. 

For those who don`t here a quote from Wikipedia:

"In 2002 Alexandre made history by becoming the first Russian Go player to be promoted to professional status, alongside Svetlana Shikshina. Both players were promoted by special recommendation, a feat achieved by very few non-Asian players. He has since started a career in teaching Go to western players."

Alexandre Dinerchtein has has a big web presence, and is allways working to promote Go and launching new projects, currently his most important projects are:

-The Korean-style Insei League insei-league.com

- The first social network for go players baduk.pro

- A page with news, game reports and lots of information about several Go servers like KGS, Tygem etc. gosensations.com

... and if you want to get your game commented as well you can find all the information on his homepage: http://breakfast.go4go.net/?Go_lessons

(i was black and lost with 1,5)
RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[0.50]TM[1200]OT[5x30 byo-yomi]
PW[krun]PB[eyecatcher]WR[6k]BR[7k]DT[2011-03-11]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]C[krun [6k\]: hi gg
eyecatcher [7k\]: Hello, good game for you
(;B[cq]BL[1143.04]C[Did you read the book "Chinese fuseki" by Kato Masao? He suggested to choose another joseki -]
(;W[co]WL[1170.972]C[Trick move! -]
(;B[bo]BL[1141.235]C[You got tricked -]
(;B[br]BL[1132.596]C[B lost few points here -]
;W[eq]WL[1156.979]C[W can get atari first]
(;B[go]BL[1101.095]C[Too close to his wall! -]
(;W[bm]WL[1153.474]C[It's gote, so it's small -]
(;B[df]BL[1087.694]C[Lower side is not finished -]
(;W[ph]WL[1133.488]C[Too aggressive! -]
(;B[md]BL[1006.043]C[Tenuki? Your shape is unfinished -]
(;W[mc]WL[1128.315]C[W can ignore -]
;W[lp]WL[1112.118]C[Again W is too aggressive]
;B[qr]BL[966.716]C[Key point]
;B[ro]BL[896.651]C[No way to kill him, so just tenuki]
;W[lq]WL[1070.44]C[W misread. He has to defend]
;B[sq]BL[865.043]C[Hard to believe]
;B[pm]BL[808.921]C[B's lead is big now]
(;B[nm]BL[768.86]C[Losing move? -]
;W[rk]WL[1028.999]C[W was really lucky]
(;B[nl]BL[685.11]C[Thick, but lower side is bigger -]
;B[pj]BL[665.984]LB[ri:A]C[May consider A]
;B[qc]BL[660.642]C[Good idea]
;W[hd]WL[1001.156]LB[jq:A]C[A is bigger]
;B[gc]BL[645.775]C[Very sharp, but too early]
(;B[fd]BL[643.932]C[Poor shape -]
;W[gb]WL[993.53]C[B got nothing here]
;B[jq]BL[590.531]C[Good place!]
;W[in]WL[985.127]C[W is ahead]
;B[he]BL[495.204]LB[bd:B][ce:A]C[Good, but A-B first]
;B[ij]BL[466.939]C[B wants to keep center, but task is not easy]
(;W[bh]WL[926.627]C[Too deep -]
;B[bf]BL[456.213]C[W lost some terr here]
(;B[cf]BL[440.617]C[Solid, but ... -]
(;W[id]WL[898.456]C[Heavy -]
;W[kd]WL[896.037]C[Oh? W misread?]
;B[fb]BL[421.665]C[Black is not behind anymore]
(;B[jf]BL[414.852]LB[ga:A]C[Why not at A? It's so big -]
;W[fa]WL[880.538]C[Lucky White]
;W[ff]WL[862.827]C[W overplayed]
;W[ne]WL[837.819]LB[qb:A]C[A is biggest]
;B[me]BL[363.328]LB[qb:A]C[You can get A]
;W[qb]WL[832.34]C[So big!]
(;W[rh]WL[824.643]C[W can ignore -]
(;B[sf]BL[327.938]C[Is that necessary? B is already alive -]
;W[js]WL[820.387]C[Interesting idea]
(;B[is]BL[321.425]C[Not the best way -]
;B[ns]BL[274.938]LB[mr:A]C[A is right]
;B[mp]BL[228.431]C[Painful to add these moves inside your own terr]
;B[kp]BL[226.457]LB[rs:A]C[A first]
;B[lk]BL[219.1]LB[ll:A]C[A is better]
;B[oi]BL[94.656]LB[ac:A][es:B]C[Is that big? May consider A or B]
;B[sk]BL[58.802]C[No way. B only lost few points]
(;B[ei]BL[30]OB[4]C[Is that necessary? -]
;W[lm]WL[654.328]LB[ac:A]C[A is bigger]
;B[je]BL[30]OB[4]C[Just 1 point? Or even 0.5 point?]
;W[ac]WL[648.658]C[So big! Near 5 points here]
;B[de]BL[30]OB[4]C[Another 0.5 point?]
(;B[aq]BL[30]OB[4]C[Why so passive? -]
;B[]BL[30]OB[4]TW[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][ga][ha][ia][ja][ka][la][ma][na][oa][pa][qa][ra][sa][ab][bb][cb][db][fb][hb][ib][jb][kb][lb][mb][nb][ob][sb][lc][ai][si][aj][rj][ak][ck][sk][al][bl][cl][il][dm][jm][km][sm][dn][en][sn][qo][ro][ep][fq][gr][hr][fs][gs]TB[be][fe][qe][ff][gf][hf][rf][fg][gg][hg][ig][jg][kg][lg][mg][eh][gh][hh][ih][jh][kh][lh][mh][fi][gi][hi][ii][ji][ki][li][mi][ej][fj][hj][kj][lj][mj][nj][oj][gk][mk][nk][mo][lp][bq][lq][mq][ar][mr][nr][or][pr][as]C[krun [6k\]: thx
eyecatcher [7k\]: thank you

You lost this game in yose. B was near 6-7 points ahead 50 moves ago.
My advice: "The endgame" book by Tomoko Ogawe. Try to find it and read several times.])
(;B[ap]C[Can block directly, get 1 extra point and sente]))
(;B[ag]C[If you afraid, you can get second eye here]))
;B[ir]C[You will win the game]))
;B[jf]C[Now you can get this move]))
;W[id]C[Much better for W]))
;B[ef]C[You can consider this trade]))
(;W[bf]C[Good enough]))
;B[fd]C[May consider this])
;B[iq]C[Best way]))
(;B[nl]C[If here, it's hopeless for W]))
;W[qg]C[How about this attack?]))
;W[qm]C[Normal way of invading Chinese fuseki]))
;B[mp]C[Good to create moyo and defend your stone]))
(;W[io]C[Better way for W]))
(;B[cr]C[First way to punish]
;B[cn]C[Second way is good too]))
;W[kq]C[Normal way. Here it's good for W, because your Low Chinese Fuseki is not active anymore]))
(;B[kp]C[Better plan])
;B[np]C[Good plan too])))

(i was white and won with 1,5 )

RU[Japanese]SZ[19]KM[6.50]TM[2100]OT[5x60 byo-yomi]
PW[eyecatcher]PB[tigon]WR[7k]DT[2011-03-11]PC[The KGS Go Server at http://www.gokgs.com/]RE[W+1.50]
;B[pp]BL[2098.274]C[tigon [?\]: thx
tigon [?\]: hi
eyecatcher [7k\]: hello, good game
;B[hp]BL[2087.363]C[A bit strange]
(;W[hq]WL[2069.021]C[Never ignore attachments -]
;B[hr]BL[2079.469]C[You made him stronger]
;W[iq]WL[2059.515]C[Usually too heavy]
(;W[qq]WL[2049.839]C[Too greedy! -]
;B[mp]BL[2059.815]C[Key point!]
(;W[lp]WL[2046.342]C[Crude -]
;B[qp]BL[2036.704]C[B has big lead now]
(;B[no]BL[2030.069]C[Too solid, but slow -]
;B[nc]BL[2027.858]LB[jc:A]C[A is better for him]
;W[oc]WL[2028.82]C[Good idea]
;W[nd]WL[2027.457]C[Very thick!]
(;B[mc]BL[2023.591]C[Heavy for B -]
;W[hc]WL[2022.404]LB[ic:A]C[Right direction, but A puts more pressure on his group]
;B[fd]BL[2020.747]C[His overplay]
(;W[gd]WL[2013.835]C[Oh? -]
;B[fb]BL[2015.033]C[W got weak shape here]
;B[hb]BL[2010.111]C[B is happy]
;B[ph]BL[2007.496]C[Too aggressive!]
(;W[cl]WL[1986.348]C[Locally very good, but how about playing on the right? Right side is not finished -]
;W[cj]WL[1982.228]LB[dl:A]C[A is correct]
;B[pl]BL[1997.671]C[This was so important!]
;W[oi]WL[1976.021]LB[qj:A]C[Allow him to link at A?]
;B[qj]BL[1994.43]C[Good ]
;B[qi]BL[1992.705]C[Great result for B. B got lot of points, W got heavy shape]
(;B[qg]BL[1988.957]C[Not necessary -]
(;B[nh]BL[1975.954]C[Not best -]
;W[mi]WL[1941.968]LB[le:A]C[A is most active]
;B[io]BL[1963.253]LB[le:A]C[Good for B to link at A]
;W[lf]WL[1920.654]C[Nice move! Now B has problems]
;W[jh]WL[1899.109]C[Looks possible to kill him]
;B[ch]BL[1901.839]C[B can resign now]
;W[ee]WL[1776.601]LB[bg:A]C[A is better]
;W[dg]WL[1770.163]LB[bk:A]C[A maybe?]
;B[ic]BL[1882.561]C[Hmm. B has no time. He has to defend on the left ]
(;W[bi]WL[1761.168]C[Thank you move! -]
;B[ai]BL[1878.843]C[B was lucky]
(;W[fe]WL[1732.339]C[Slow -]
;W[ps]WL[1699.488]LB[nm:A]C[A first. Can save these stones in sente]
;W[pq]WL[1671.809]C[Good timing]
;W[bn]WL[1630.185]C[Good tesuji]
;W[hi]WL[1614.074]C[W is winning]
;W[se]WL[1457.195]C[B is dead]
;B[rl]BL[1717.957]LB[si:A]C[He can cut off at A]
;W[rr]WL[1319.255]LB[qr:A]C[A is better]
(;B[ks]BL[1684.474]C[His mistake -]
;B[kd]BL[1535.358]C[Too dangerous for B]
(;W[ka]WL[1051.903]C[Is it best? -]
;B[]BL[1473.746]TW[ja][la][ma][jb][lb][ic][kc][lc][mc][nc][jd][kd][ld][me][oe][pe][ef][ff][gf][hf][if][jf][kf][mf][of][eg][fg][gg][hg][ig][lg][mg][og][qg][rg][eh][fh][gh][hh][kh][lh][mh][nh][oh][ph][lj][ck][kk][lk][ll][pr][qr][rs][ss]TB[aa][ba][ca][da][ea][fa][ga][ra][sa][ab][bb][cb][eb][gb][rb][ac][fc][sc][ae][af][ag][ah][bi][fm][hm][om][pm][rm][sm][bn][en][gn][hn][on][pn][qn][rn][sn][ao][co][do][eo][fo][go][ho][oo][po][qo][ro][so][ap][bp][cp][dp][ep][fp][np][aq][bq][cq][eq][fq][ar][br][cr][dr][er][fr][as][bs][cs][ds][es][fs][gs][hs][is]C[eyecatcher [7k\]: thank you for the game
tigon [?\]: thx

Lucky game for W. You had 30 points lead after killing his group and almost lost all this lead in yose
Again I suggest you to check the book by Tomoko Ogawe "The endgame"])
;W[ic]C[How about this? Can kill him without ko]))
;B[is]TR[ip][hq][iq][jq][kq][jr]C[W cannot save these stones]))
;W[rr]C[Biggest place. Can live inside easily]))
;W[ae]C[Can kill him])
;W[ae]C[Dead too])))
(;B[mj]C[Or even here. This fight will be hard for you])))
;B[le]C[Easier for him]))
;W[ni]C[For example])
;W[nj]C[Or this way]))
(;W[ed]C[Why not this one?]
;B[ea]C[B can live, but it's great for W. Nice wall +sente])
;W[ic]C[Great for W too!])))
;W[ro]C[Better way for W]))
;W[cj]C[Defend own group first. You can invade at 3-3 later]))
;W[hr]C[Most comfortable way for W.
His corner looks big, but you can live inside later:]
;W[pq]C[Hard to kill W]))

“Do nothing which is of no use” Miyamoto Musashi

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